International Conference on Motivational Dynamics and Second Language Acquisition

International Conference on Motivational Dynamics and Second Language Acquisition

Nottingham August 28th – 30th

Please find the full conference programme attached, with more details and presentation summaries available on the official conference website (linked below).

Keynote speakers and invited panel discussants are Diane Larsen-Freeman, Ema Ushioda, Kim Noels, Peter MacIntyre, Zoltán Dörnyei, Alastair Henry, Judit Kormos and Martin Lamb. The optional social programme includes a visit to Sherwood Forest to see the Major Oak (Robin Hood’s famous hideout) and Southwell Minster, which is a beautiful Gothic cathedral built in the 13th century.

As expected, registration has been busy and we have over 130 participants registered so far.  There are however still places available and, if you have not already registered, we would like to invite you to consider attending the conference. It will hopefully be an unforgettable academic and social experience, with joint evening meals included with all the Packages.

Registration can be completed online through the conference website, which contains all the conference details. If you have any further queries regarding anything not addressed on the website, please don’t hesitate to email

To add a little extra incentive, BAAL (4th-6th September 2014, at the University of Warwick) and EUROSLA (3rd 6th September 2014, at the University of York) are both held very close to Nottingham just days after the end of the Motivational Dynamics conference, so a single visit to the UK could allow for double conference participation!

Conference Programme

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FIPLV exists for the worldwide support, development and promotion of languages through professional associations. We are active in over 100 countries and cover several hundred thousand teachers of languages worldwide.
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1 Response to International Conference on Motivational Dynamics and Second Language Acquisition

  1. excellent use of terminology inside the writing, it in reality did help when i was surfing around

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